
Jumuga Research Team

Sources of Support

We advise that 3 types of articles can be submitted. That is,

Book Review Articles:
In this category, we advise that the author avoids footnoting. Additionally, we do not expect authors to prolong them beyond 5 pages. Nevertheless, they will be expected to submit handling fee of $20 upon acceptance.

Short Messages with a clear problem statement:
Like the above book reviews, the author’s will not be expected to write beyond 5 pages. Upon acceptance, each author will be expected to pay $20 per write-up. In such short messages, the author is expected to come out clearly with his or her problem statement, and make a bold attempt to solve the issue at hand. It should be on topics of global or national interest.

Regular Articles:
This is where an original research that must necessarily be beyond 5 pages, at 1.5 spacing or double spaced, is expected to feature. This type of article forms the core purpose for the journal. It should describe new and carefully analyzed data, where in some cases experimental procedures or methodological considerations must be put clearly. Results should be provided with clarity and precision. In regard to length, the material under discussion should determine this. Nevertheless, a good author will avoid going beyond 7, 000 words for a journal article. Upon acceptance, the author will be expected to remit $100 as handling fee.

Peer Review

Jumuga Journal of Education, Oral Studies, and Human Sciences (JJEOSHS) uses a double blind peer review system to ensure the anonymity of both the author and the reviewer. Ordinarily, submitted articles are sent to two peer reviewers who are necessarily experts in the particular area. Whenever there is a huge disagreement and/or divergent approach to the subject at hand, a third reviewer, an expert in the field, is sought. The final decision however is the prerogative of the Editor.

Reviewer’s responsibility

Important factors to be noted by a reviewer:

  1. Manuscripts submitted to JJEOSHS are subjected to double blind peer-review process. In this process the reviewer’s names and author names are hidden (the reviewer will not know who the author is and vice-versa). Up to two independent reviewers will be assigned per manuscript.
  2. The article must match the area of expertise of the reviewer. As a reviewer if you find that the article is not aligning with your subject expertise, please inform the editorial office without delay.
  3. Timely review and timely publication give professional advantages. It is therefore important to meet the deadlines and send the report within the time period. The process of reviewing the article along with recommendations must be done within 14 days. Exceeding that will lead to delay in editor’s decision as well as delay in publishing.
  4. While accepting a reviewing assignment the respective reviewer agrees not to share any information provided in the manuscript with anyone. Confidentiality is mandatory for any reviewer.
  5. Reviewer comments must be reasonable. You must hold your points with firm logical reasons.
  6. It has been observed, conflict arises among the reviewers’ opinion in deciding the fate of an article. Therefore, the Editor-in-Chief and Editor’s decision will be final and unanimously accepted.
  7. The JJEOSHS-Peer Review Form and manuscripts will be submitted together to the reviewers for writing their evaluation report.
  8. Assigned reviewers are responsible for scrutinizing a manuscript technically and the organization of the manuscript properly depending on the article type. Reviewer’s comments should be brief to the point and clearly understandable by the Editors and Authors.
  9. Specifying and matching the article with the standards of the journal is a must.
  10. The evaluation report has to be shared with the editor.
  11. After evaluation of manuscript, the reviewers will decide :
     i. Accept
     ii. Accept with minor revision
     iii. Accept with major revisions
     iv. Reject (Decline with Justification).
  12. If the decision is classified as ‘Accept with Minor Revision’ or ‘Major Revision,’ the author shall have 7 or 14 days, respectively, to resubmit the revised manuscript from the date of official communication of the verdict.
  13. Upon resubmission, and having been satisfied that such revision as may have been initially proposed has been made, the Editorial Board may choose to send them back to the reviewers, or may render a decision based on its expertise.
  14. The Editorial Board has the discretion of rejecting a manuscript whose author fails to revise upon such recommendation.
  15. In special circumstances, the contributors may be asked to suggest referees working in the same area for evaluation. However, the final choice of reviewers is a preserve of the Editorial Board.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. JJEOSHS is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes three issues a year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2618-1517
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