This article examines the nature of knowledge in the Baghdadian physician-philosopher Sa>d b. Man§´r Ibn Kamm´na (d. 683/1284), who is one of the most important and influential philosophers of the post-Avicennan period. In order to accomplish this aim, the article begins with a brief look at his view on the conception of the quiddity of knowledge, and then analyses his concept of knowledge and its closely related terms such as perception, consciousness, conception, assent, and truth. Next, the article outlines and discusses his view of the hierarchical structure of knowledge, which includes sensual, rational
and prophetic knowledge. The study is concluded with some brief comments on the place of Ibn Kamm´na’s position in the history of Islamic philosophy, arguing that although he follows a trend established by Avicenna, his
views on the issue are not complete reproductions of Avicenna’s ideas, but rather a synthesis, in which new philosophical and theological findings of the post- Avicennan period are integrated into the tradition established by his master.