Effect of piperazine citrate on the vascular smooth muscle using rat hindquarters was investigated. Piperazine caused dose-dependent increase in flow rate of 51.69 +2.59, 89.33 + 6.23 and 200. 4 + 13.12% respectively for doses 25 and 10ìg over the control values indicating vasodilatation. Compared to the value from control animals (2.36 + 0.57%) these values were statistically significant using student’s ”t” test (p<0.0001). At peak activity, adrenaline 2ìg caused an average fall in flow rate of 49.0 + 3.02% indicating vasoconstriction. Various doses of piperazine citrate antagonized this effect. The average % increases in flow rate due to the intervention with piperazine 2ìg and 5ìg were 32.02 + 2.99 and 61.1 + 3.63 respectively. The average flow rates (ml/5min) caused by adrenaline 2ìg before piperazine 2 and 5ìg were added were 2.2 +0.46 and 2.48 +0.21 respectively. Piperazine 5ìg induced a statistically significant increase in flow rate 10 minutes later to 4.0 + 0.36 ml/5min (p=0.0064). The average increase produced by piperazine 2ìg was, however, not statistically significant (p=0.3673)