This paper gives a dispassionate analysis of the Tiv-Jukun conflicts in the Middle Benue Basin from 1976-2005. This is situated against a historical background of a peaceful coexistence between the two ethnic groups from pre-colonial times, that of hostilities in the colonial and even the contemporary period. Colonialism imposed artificial borders that took no cognizance of the people living on the land, sowing the seeds of conflicts and ushering in the politics of divide and rule. This placed some ethnic groups at a vantage position over others. It is against this background that the paper analyses the causes of the various conflicts that have flared up between the two ethnic groups since the creation of Benue and Gongola States in 1976. These conflicts, which have political and economic undertones, hinge on the struggle for political appointments and control of cherished economic resources in the area such as farmland. In order to achieve lasting peace in the area, the paper proposes reconciliatory efforts on the part of the belligerents. On the other hand, good governance, and the provision of democratic dividends, would restore inter-ethnic harmony and promote democratic consolidation.