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Tugen culture and arts: A critical study of Tugen mother language in preservation of Tugen cultural identity
This paper examines and analyses use of Tugen mother language that is explicitly manifested in both verbal and nonverbal communication. Over the years, Tugen culture has been preserved and passed on to generations using mother language. It is, therefore, imperative to examine deeper and hidden meanings expressed in use of Tugen mother language in preservation of its cultural identity. The study first examined and then proceeded to analyse the use of the Tugen mother language. Research methods used in this study are descriptive: observation, interviews, focus group and personal experience. The paper discusses the use of Tugen mother language in instilling a set of standard behaviours being expressed in art and nonverbal communication, e.g. models, symbolism, magical objects, ceremonial dance, etc. and verbal communication, i.e. beliefs/spiritual, physical, social and ideational environment. This paper is intended to enhance knowledge, skills and norms guiding people’s way of interactions and coping with the ideational environment by identifying norms affecting knowledge, rituals, ideas, magic, and emotions that are being shared by the Tugen so as to cope with the various and numerous demands of life. The study concludes that without proper understanding of the deeper and hidden use of Tugen mother language will result in the misrepresentation of Tugen culture. And that the proper use of Tugen mother language will also lead to protection, provision and treatment against the exigencies of life experienced in the physical and spiritual world, especially in handling stressful life challenges to the "known meaningful" worldview of the Tugen people.