ROA an acronym for Replication Oriented Architecture is speculated as capable of attenuating the scalability defect of Web Services and help application programmers build scalable Web Services solution. For this claim to be considered, it is ordinarily necessary to establish that Web Services solution can be built on ROA; and this is the essence of this paper. We have introduced the imple-mentation equivalent of ROA for a Web Service using Java technologies. The Java technologies were Servlet, Enterprise Java Bean (EJB), Java Messaging Service (JMS) and SOAP with Attach-ment API for Java (SAAJ). A prototype ATM system has been built using the Java implementation equivalent of ROA for a replica size of three. The development environment was NetBeans Inte-grated Development Environment version 6.0 (NetBeans 6.0). Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9 was the build and runtime environment for the three service replicas as well as the replication logic; all in the same computer system. The successful deployment and consump-tion of the prototype system shows that Web Services solution can be built on ROA.