This study was carried out to investigate the effect of time on the physical changes and water shedding potential of three landforms established on the Vertisols in a coastal savanna zone of Ghana. Observations showed that crest height of the Flat Beds (FB) changed only minimally from an initial value of 0.09 m to 0.07 m after two years and to a final value of 0.069 m after five years. The observation suggests that the FB stabilized very quickly and remained un-changed once constructed. However, the crest height of the Broad Bed and Furrow (BBF) decreased from an initial value of 0.194 m to 0.163 m after the first two years of construction and further to 0.149 m after five years. In the case of the Cambered Bed and Furrow (CBF), crest height decreased from 0.39 m to 0.35 m after two years and further to 0.30 m after five years of formation. Accompanying the changes in crest height were also changes in land sur-face configuration. In both BBF and CBF, there was significant reduction in concavity of the crest-to-crest configuration after the first two years of construction but there were no signifi-cant changes thereafter. Ageing therefore affected the water shedding potential of the various land forms. Both the FB and CBF had a reduction of 15 % in water shedding capability after 5 years of construction, while the reduction was 12 % in the case of BBF.