In northern Ghana rice cultivation is believed to have a great potential in reducing poverty lev-els. Despite this, present yields are generally low due to lack of water control systems, high level of risks caused by uneven rainfall distribution, and inefficient farming practices. Against this background three interventions have been introduced in the Tamale area of the Northern Re-gion of Ghana, namely: the Agence Francaise de Development /Ministry of Food and Agricul-ture Lowland Rice Development Project (AFD/MOFA-LRDP); the Transfer of Effective Irriga-tion and Water Resources Management Project (TEIWRMT); and the Gollinga Irrigation Scheme of the Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA). The objective of this paper is to identify the socio-economic factors that influence the inefficiency of farmers under the three rice cultivation schemes. The method of analysis involves a one-step estimation of a stochastic fron-tier model. Though the average efficiency is low, it is relatively high for intensive rice cultivation with improved water harvesting schemes such as bunds and water regulating structures. Other factors that reduce farmers’ inefficiency are: education; extension visits; farmers’ experience and group membership. However, general inaccessibility increases farmers’ inefficiency. To help bring the much needed development in northern Ghana it is important that rice cultivation be supported with more of the following: water harvesting and regulating structures; improve-ment in the road net-work; as well as education and extension services, among others.