The editorial office requires three copies (one original) of a paper, previously unpublished, complete with title, name(s) and address(es) of author(s) and abstract of not more than 250 words in English. Manuscripts should be typed (using Times New Roman font, size 12) double-spaced on white A4 paper on one side only. Pages must be numbered, beginning from the Title Page. Unless otherwise stated, the first named author of a joint publication will be taken as the corresponding author. Please pro-vide phone and fax numbers and, e-mail, if available. Manuscripts should be sent to The Editor, Journal of Ghana Science Association, P.O. Box 7, Legon.

Text Preparation
The structure of the main text should be in the following order: Abstract, Introduction, Materi-als and Methods, Results, Discussion and Con-clusion. These headings should be typed in lowercase and boldface (left aligned). Subsec-tions of these (except Conclusion) (heading typed in lowercase and italics). The above order should be followed by Acknowledgment and References.
The abstract should be typed in block, i.e. with-out paragraphs and it should give a comprehen-sive summary of the paper, stating the major result or conclusion. It should be able to stand by itself, but it should not contain any refer-ence. Keywords are not required.
References should be given in the text by indi-cating author(s) and year of publication. When a reference is part of a sentence it should be cited as follows: Menyeh and O’Reilly (1991); Menyeh et al. (1997), but when it is inserted within a sentence it should be: (Menyeh and O’Reilly, 1991): (Menyeh et al., 1997) etc. Only references cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order (with names of all contributors, not for example, Menyeh et al. …) at the end of the paper. In order words, refer-ences which are not cited in the text cannot be listed. The following are examples.
Book Reference: [In the following order: Name of author(s), year of publication, title of book, place of publication, publisher, and the number for the referenced pages, e.g., “O’ Reilly, E. (1984). Rock and Mineral Magnet-ism, Glasgow: Blackie, pp. 120-125].
Journal Reference [e.g. Menyeh, A. and O’ Reilly, W. (1991). The magnetizations process in monoclinic pyrrhotite particles containing few domains. Geophysical Journal Interna-tional, 104, 387-399].
Conference Proceedings [e.g. Ofosu-Asiedu, A. (1997). “The Wood Industry and the Envi-ronment”. In: A. Menyeh, S. Osafo Acquaah and W.O. Ellis (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Conference, Kumasi, 4-9 August, 1997, pp. 19-34].
Reference from a book edited by one or more persons e.g., Kullerud, G. (1971). “Experimental techniques in dry sulfide re-search”. In: G.C.U. Imer (Ed.), Research tech-niques for high pressure and high temperature, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 288-315]

The maximum size for a table is 150 x 200mm and it should be without an outside border as well as lines for row and column entries. How-ever, only headings for the columns should be enclosed between top and bottom borders. Ta-bles should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text [e.g. (Table 1)]. The titles should be typed on top in Boldface [.e.g., Table 1: Variation of temperature with …]. Indi-cate in pencil in the right-hand margin, the de-sired location of tables.
All maps, field sketches, etc. should include a metric bar scale. Letters or numeral should not be less than 1mm in height after reproduction. Figures should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text [e.g. (Fig. 1)]. However, separate parts of a single Figure should be la-beled (a), (b) etc. and be referred to as Fig. 1(a), Fig. 1(b) etc. in the text. Author’s name and Figure numbers should be written lightly in pencil on the reverse side [e.g., Fig. 1 Menyeh et al.] Captions of Figures should be typed, double spaced on separate sheets. Indicate in pencil in the right-hand margin, the desired location of Figures.
Photographs should be sharp, glossy prints (preferably, in black and white). A scale should be given using some items of stated dimensions or by adding a metric bar scale. Dimensions
S.I. units should be used throughout the text. Use negative indices instead of/and leave a space between numbers and symbols [e.g. 1.5m s-1, not 1.5m s-1 or 1.5m/s].
Equations should be typed in Math. mode [e.g., z = ax + by, not z = ax + by]. If there is more than one equation, they should be numbered consecutively [e.g. z = ax + by … (1). For clarity, indicate in words, in the right-hand margin, the name of any Greek symbol the first time it is used in the text.

Each manuscript will be refereed by two re-viewers and possibly by a third reviewer as deemed necessary by the editor.
Proofs will be sent to authors. They must be returned quickly to achieve a high speed of publication.
Electronic Preparation
In addition to hard copies authors are requested to provide a CD (compact disc) copy of their paper using Microsoft word 2003or higher ver-sions and ScienceWord 5.5 (typed, using Times New Roman font, size 12.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-3823