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Decentralized energy trading systems for microgrids using blockchain and smart contract technologies

Ernest O. Ezugwu
Samuel O. Okozi
Okonkwo S. Hilary
Edet G. Godwin
Ezekiel G. Nwibo
Kufre E. Jack


Blockchain technology, smart contract and microgrid systems have facilitated innovations and breakthroughs in the electricity industry. The once bundled electricity market dominated by a few key players is now gradually becoming unbundled to a more consumer-centric market due to these new technologies. To facilitate the use of community microgrids, this study develops a new trend in peer-to-peer energy trading. In this work, a model for a smart microgrid system, a decentralized energy trading platform based on blockchain, and smart contract technologies is proposed, considering an islanded community microgrid network of energy prosumers. Smart meters were used to ensure the bi-directional flow of data and power, thereby giving prosumers control over their power usage. Storage and validation of participants’ data are stored on the blockchain network, which has a strong feature of decentralization, transparency, security and data immutability. The smart contract automatically executes power delivery and transfer of tokens from the buyer’s wallet to the seller’s energy wallet based on the transaction logic and protocol. A web-user interface was designed to enable the ease of transactions by market participants and the web-user interface was designed on React.Javascript while the smart contract codes were done on the solidity programming language. Algorithms were also developed for the market trade operations in real time and sets of mathematical equations were formulated for energy pricing based on the supply and demand philosophies to curtail over-pricing and underpricing of energy. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-0743