The author guidelines for this journal can be found here:

Submissions to the Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineering (JGhIE) are invited according to the following underlisted requirements:

  1. Types of Articles

The types of articles published in the journal are classified as follows:

  • Original Research articles presenting new scientific results or innovative techniques of interest.
  • Case Study articles applying conventional methods or innovative ways to solve a problem of broad implications and not only specific to the case presented.
  • Technical Notes describing practical and/or innovative techniques of data collection or analysis.
  • Reviews providing in-depth state of the art review of a specific issue or engineering practice.
  • Profiles of eminent engineers and their professional contributions (short articles).
  • Editorials on the scope of the journal, topical issues, policy, or engineering practice (short articles).                 
  1. Language and Preparation of Manuscript

All manuscripts must be in English Language (UK) and should be saved in Microsoft Word .docx format for submission. The text must be in 11-point Times New Roman and single-spaced in a single column on A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Italics should be used for emphasis when needed (but do not underline or use bold face).

Also, use tab stops for indents, indents for paragraphing and the Microsoft Word table function (not spreadsheets) to make tables. Abbreviations should always be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter. Standard International (SI) or other metric units should be used throughout the manuscript, and always leave a character space between a number and its unit.

  1. Structure of Manuscript

Manuscripts should generally follow this order: Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, Conflict of Interest Declarations, References and Appendices (if any).

3.1 Title Page

The first page of the manuscript should be a title page indicating only the title of manuscript, author(s), and their affiliations. The title must be concise and informative, and typed in bold, sentence case, using font 12-point size Times New Roman. The authors are to be listed below the title in first names followed by surnames (with middle name(s) as initial(s) in-between, if any) and their affiliations are to be listed under the names, all in 11-point font size Times New Roman. In cases where authors have different affiliations, they should be identified by numbered superscripts against their names and the superscript numbers should precede the affiliated address. The email address of the corresponding author should be provided after all the addresses and asterisk (*) should be used to indicate the person among the authors.

3.2 Abstract

All manuscripts should start with an abstract after the tittle page. The abstract heading should be typed in bold 12-point font size Times New Roman, and the text should be in 11-point font size Times New Roman and justified. Typically, the abstract should include the significance, aim, main method(s), and key findings of the work in the manuscript. The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words for all article types except profiles and editorials, which should be a maximum of 120 words. The abstract should normally not contain any undefined abbreviations.

3.3. Keywords

Maximum of six (6) keywords, separated by commas, in 11-point font size Times New Roman should be listed following the abstract after a line spacing.

3.4 Introduction

The manuscript must always have Introduction section as the first section of the main text after the key words. The content of this section should commonly include a brief background, short review of the pertinent literature in the study field, and the purpose, justification, and possible novelty of the study.

3.5 Materials and Methods

This section must provide clear sufficient information on the experimental procedures, investigations, measurements, and analyses employed in the study to permit repetition of the work. Commonly, modifications made to known employed methods must be clearly explained. However, if already known methods are simply employed in the study, then appropriate reference(s) must be made to them instead of re-producing the known details. Also, a description of the study area including a detailed map, where applicable, must always be provided under this section. The section heading could be named differently, and with subsections, depending on the nature of the study, but the overall content should always reflect the employed methods in the study.

3.6 Results and Discussion

The results and observations from the study and their detailed interpretations should be presented under this section. The results should be presented in tables or figures, whenever possible, while their interpretation, significance, and limitation(s) in comparison to relevant contemporary studies are to be clearly explained in the text. In a situation where authors wish to have separate Results and Discussion sections, it must be ensured that the results are not repeated under the discussion section. Also, subsections could be introduced under this section when needed.

3.7 Conclusions

This section should provide a summary of the study objective, methods, key findings, implications for policy, and any proposals for further work.

3.8 Acknowledgments

This section is for acknowledging the funders and any other person(s) or organisations who supported the work. The names of funding organisations and institutions should always be written in full under this section.

3.9 Conflicts of Interest Declarations

Authors need to disclose any commercial or associations that may pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted material under this section.

3.10 References

All the references in the manscript should be cited using the author(s) and year in parentheses format and must be listed alphabetically by the authors’ surname. The formatting style for listing the various sources of references in the manuscript should be as follows:

(a) Books

Last name, other names initial (for all authors). (Year). Title. Publisher, Location. When citing two or more works by the same author(s) published in the same year, they should be labelled with 'a', 'b', 'c' and so on directly after the year. For example:

Evans, D., McDonald, F. and Jackson, T. (2008). Getting the best service. Delectable Publications, Nottingham.

(b) Book Chapter

Last name, other names initial (for all authors). (Year). Chapter title. In: Editor's name/s (ed/s), Book Title. Edition. Publisher, Location, Page/s. For example:

King, S. (2010). The best wines and where to find them. In: Loftus, E., ed., Fine Wine: A Guide, 1st ed. Delectable Publications, Nottingham, pp. 28-46.

(c) Journal Articles

Last name, other names initial (for all authors). (Year). Article title. Journal name, Volume (Issue), Page/s. DOI (if available). For example:

Wandusim, D. A., Bobobee, E. Y. H., Abunde, F., Awuah, E., and Ampomah, M. A. (2023). Development and testing of a double-row adjustable disc ridger. Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineering, 23(1), pp. 21-32.

(d) Reports (consultancy, project, or any technical report):

Organisation or Author name. (Year). Full title of report. Publisher, Location. For example:

Ghana Statistical Service (2010). 2010 population and housing census district analytic report - Asutifi District. Ghana Statistical Service, Accra, Ghana.

(e) Thesis and Dissertation:

Last name of author, first initials. (Year). Title of thesis/dissertation. Level, Official name of university, country. For example:

Samson, G. (1998). An examination of Ashanti food in popular culture. Master Thesis, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

(f) Online Sources (citation of information on websites):

Author or Source if no specific author is provided (Year). Title of web document/page. [online]. Available at: URL [Accessed date: Day/Month/Year]. For example:

Health Tips (2015). Superfoods and where to find them. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2016].

(g) Maps/Photos (whether print or online):

Map maker’s or photograper’s name. (Year of issue). Title of map. Map series, sheet number, scale. Publisher, Location. For example:

SpeedyQuest maps. (2003). Map of Biddiford. Local Maps, sheet 5, scale 1:50000. Local Publications, Nottingham.

(h) Software:

Name of software/program. (Year). Company or publisher, Location. For example:

RecipeGen. (2008). Delectable Software, Nottingham,

3.11 Headings

Headings with no more than three levels and non-numbered should be used to organise the sections of the main text from the Introduction to the Conclusions. The main headings should be typed in 12-point font size Times New Roman, bold, title case while the subheadings should be in 11-point font size Times New Roman, bold, and sentence case with sub subheadings in the same format but in italic.

3.12 Illustrations

Tables and Figures (including pictures, maps, photos, and charts) should be inserted at appropriate positions where needed in the manuscript and numbered sequentially in the order in which they are referred in the text (example: see Figure 1 and Table 1). The figure captions should be placed under the figure whereas the table captions should be placed on the top of each table. Captions for all the tables and figures should be typed in 10-point font size Times New Roman in single line spacing. Footnote markers for tables should be consecutive superscript lowercase letters (or asterisks for statistical data) and explained beneath the table body in 9-point font size Times New Roman in single line spacing. Similarly, displayed equations in the manuscript should be generated using Microsoft Word Equation Editor or any equation editor that works in MS Word, numbered sequentially at the right-hand margin in parenthesis and referenced in the text.

Figure 1 Groundwater storage volume in the Nabogo basin

Table 1 Projected water consumptions (m3/day) in Nabogo basin for the years 2018 and 2048










Sheep & Goat










3.13 Manuscript Length and Submission

The length of a manuscript submitted for publication must be a maximum of 7500 words for all article types except profiles and editorials, which should be a maximum of 3000 words. Automatic page numbering and continuous line numbering should be applied for all the pages of the manuscript excluding the title page. The journal reserves the right to either refuse manuscripts exceeding the maximum limits or request them to be reduced to fit the maximum limits. Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal online at Authors should ensure their submission to the journal follow the ethics of scientific publication, and that the manuscripts are not under consideration for publication or published (partially or in full) elsewhere unless it is an expansion of previous work.

Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts within the scope of journal shall go through two or more independent scientific reviews by anonymous experts who are knowledgeable in the subject area of the manuscript. Decision on acceptability or otherwise of the manuscript shall be made based on the reviews by the Editorial Team and forwarded to the author(s). Final formal acceptance for publication will depend on the success of the author(s) in addressing all the required changes in the manuscript.

Published Copies

Accepted manuscripts shall first be published online when the required proofreading to correct typesetting and other minor errors by the author(s) have been completed. Later, it will be included in the next journal issue, which will always be released online and in print. The corresponding author will be sent a free e-offprint (PDF file of the publication) whereas print versions of the publication will be sent only on payment of the appropriate print and postage charges.

Copyright Notice

Ghana Institution of Engineering is the publisher and copyright holder of the journal content. The copyrights of all submitted manuscripts shall only be transferred to the publisher when the manuscript is accepted for publication. No part of the publication may, therefore, be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher.

Contact Address

The Editor-in-Chief

Journal of the Ghana Institution of Engineering

Engineers Centre

13 Continental Road, Roman Ridge

PO. Box AN 7042

Accra-North, Ghana



Open Access Policy

The journal is open access with no subscription fees for online access of its content. Print copies of articles in the journal or full journal prints are, however, available at a fee covering the printing and courier delivery costs. Requests for print copies should be sent to the contact address of the journal.

Processing Charge

There are currently no processing fees for publication of manuscripts in the journal.

Copyright Notice

Ghana Institution of Engineering is the publisher and copyright holder of the journal content. The copyrights of all submitted manuscripts shall only be transferred to the publisher when the manuscript is accepted for publication. No part of the publication may, therefore, be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher.

Publication Ethics

The journal expects all authors to act responsibly regarding the preparation and submission of their manuscripts for publication in accordance with the international guidelines laid down by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Editorial Team in consultation with the Advisory Board would apply appropriate sanctions when there is any evidence of data manipulation and fraud, plagiarism, multiple submissions, duplicate publication, gift/ghost authorships, and conflicts of interest. Authors are supposed to declare whether there is any conflict of interest prior to publication of the manuscript.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0855-0743
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