Pectoral and thigh muscles of African strain and Rhode Island chickens were characterised for their contents in moisture, proteins, lipids and phospholipids. Water retention capacity of the muscles was measured and the influence of enriched cotton cake feed on the muscle quality of Rhode Island race chicken was evaluated. The chicken stocks and their muscles were similar in terms of their water contents (73.6 - 74.9 g/100g). The muscles of the both chicken stocks showed excellent water retention capacity (up to 69%). The Rhode Island race were however, richer in lipids (2.74 - 3.46 g/100g) and phospholipids (0.34 - 0.57 g/100g). Feeding with cotton cake-enriched rations increased the lipid content further. On the other hand, muscles of the African strain chicken were richer in proteins (22.5 - 24.3 g/100g) than those of the Rhode Island race (19.5 - 22.5 g/ 100g). The nutritional, organoleptic and technological qualities of the chicken muscles are discussed with respect to these characteristics. Cultural consumption habits could explain preference of African Strain Chicken muscles by the local population.
Key Words: chicken, feed, lipids, water retention capacity, proteins, quality
Journal of Food Technology in Africa Vol.9(1) 2004: 26-28