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Traitement chirurgical des lésions infra osseuses parodontales : comparaison entre la technique sans apport et avec apport du RTR® [Surgical treatment of infrabony periodontal lesions: comparison between the technique without contribution and with RTR®]
Introduction- Infrabony lesions represent a category of periodontal lesions that are frequently observed in patients with advanced periodontitis. These lesions typically necessitate surgical intervention for their treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of surgical treatment of sub-bonyperiodontal lesions using the RTR® at different follow-up periods.
Materials & Methods- This was a prospective, interventional evaluation study, in which 97 lesions underwent treatment without support and 50 lesions underwent treatment with RTR®.
Results- The results demonstrated an improvement in all clinical and radiological parameters associated with the treatment without input and with RTR®. A comparison between the two groups revealed a statistically significant difference in favour
of the RTR® group (P < 0.005).
Conclusion- The surgical treatment ensured the long-term survival of the teeth on the arch. The addition of RTR® to the technique proved to be more effective than the technique without the addition of RTR®.