The Journal of Oran Faculty of Medicine (JFMO) is addressed to all health actors from a multidisciplinary perspective (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental Medicine, Basic Sciences, and Social Sciences). Its objectives are to introduce researchers to scientific writing to ensure better visibility of their research work. Its mission is to support research in the health sciences, to promote the sharing of knowledge between researchers and practitioners in the field, and to facilitate the exchange of practices between professionals.

The Journal of Oran Faculty of Medicine is half-yearly. It publishes scientific articles such as Editorials, Original Articles, Systematic Reviews, Updates, Clinical Cases, Methodological Notes and "Read for you". It also publishes letters in response to the Journal articles in the Correspondence Section.

Publications are in French or English. They must comply with the instructions below. These are derived from the manuscript submission standards, proposed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, known as the Vancouver Group (ICMJE) (


1.1. The submitted work must comply with current laws on biomedical experimentation and the ethical recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki ("WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects").

1.2. Manuscripts are submitted to a reading committee whose approval, after any modifications, is necessary for the publication of the article.

1.3. Submitting an article implies that all authors approve of the work described.

1.4. If excerpts from other works or copyrighted material are included in the article, authors must provide written permission from the copyright holders and cite the sources of the primary publication in the article. These precautions should also be taken to avoid plagiarism.

1.5 In instances where authors employ generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies during the writing stage, their usage should be confined to enhancing readability and language. Implementation of such technology must be accompanied by human oversight and control. Authors are advised to thoroughly scrutinize and edit the generated output, recognizing that AI may produce content that sounds authoritative but could be inaccurate, incomplete, or biased. Notably, AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be credited as authors or co-authors, nor should they be cited as such.


The submission is made exclusively online on the Algerian Scientific Journal Platform (ASJP): after subscribing as an author.
Each article submission must include:
- The type of article (systematic review, original article, clinical case, read for you ....)
- The designation of the first author, co-authors, and the corresponding author.
- Affiliation, phone numbers, and email addresses of all co-authors
- Manuscript: title, summary, and keywords should be provided in French and English; followed by text, acknowledgments, declaration of interest and bibliographical references.
- Tables and figures (diagrams, drawings and photos) must be provided in the same file.
- Usable text file formats are MS Word, Times New Roman, and character 12, double-spaced.



The presentation and the maximum length of the manuscript (title page, abstract, references, tables, and figures not included) differ according to the type of article:

- Editorial (1.500 words, 5 references, no summary). The editorial can draw attention to a current topic or ask a question and provide an answer with arguments.

- Research article (2.000 to 3.000 words, at least 30 references, summary in French and English). This is the presentation of original scientific results in a format that allows for understanding and, if possible, reproducing the work. It is accompanied by a structured summary (see section on abstracts). It is divided into five titled sections, including Introduction/Objectives, Materials, and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
The body of the article includes:

- A short Introduction that justifies the work and exposes the problematic and the objectives, recalling briefly the data of the literature.

-In Materials and Methods, the inclusion criteria of the study population, as well as group compositions, etc. are indicated; the statistical methodology is presented. This chapter does not provide any results. It ends with the presentation of the statistical tests.

-In Results: According to their number or type, the results are given in the form of numbers and percentages, averages (with the standard deviation or the confidence interval), medians (with the extremes), and probabilities (with the confidence interval if possible). The long enumeration of numbers in the text should be avoided: they should be preferred by one or more table (s) or figure (s).

-Discussion: This chapter comments on the results, without giving new ones or repeating them, and confronts them with those published in the literature. It starts with a summary of the results.

- Systematic Review (5.000 words, 80 references maximum, summary in French and English). This section contains in-depth articles that provide a look at recent developments in a topic, current issues, or new developments, based on a critical analysis of literature data and the controversies that may be associated with them. It is therefore a question of proposing a critical synthesis of published works on a given subject, leading to useful and constructive proposals.

- Update: (2.500 words, 50 references maximum, summary in French and English). The updates deal in depth with recent developments on a chosen subject. Apart from some essential references, the literature analyzed is that of the last five years. The adjustments follow the same general instructions as those for systematic reviews, of which they differ in their less exhaustive nature.

- Clinical case and brief communication: (1.000 to 1.500 words, 10 references maximum, summary in French and English). After a brief introduction (a few lines), the writing of the clinical case must be structured in two parts:
• Observation should be reported briefly
• The purpose of the discussion is to comment on the case. This discussion must be relatively short and not exceed half of the article. The paragraph ends with the perspectives opened by this observation.

- Methodological notes (1.500 words, maximum 30 references). This section is for PhD students (from the 2nd registration). It hosts short texts presenting the methodologies of the thesis. Articles must have a structured abstract and include:
- An "Introduction", which takes stock of the state of knowledge and the justification of the study;
-A "Methods" section, which describes the study population, the methods used, and the statistical plan;
- A section "spinoffs of the study", which discusses the different possibilities and the perspectives that they open.

- Read for you: (500 words, 3 references) are short articles of commentary or critical analysis of a work, chapter of a book, or important article published in the national or international literature, in the field of health. An article for "read for you" should include the title, authors, and references of the original article. These scientific watch articles are not subject to revisions, they engage the author's responsibility.

- Letter to the Editor (500 words, 5 references, no summary). Letters to the Editor are to be differentiated from Correspondence. Signed by up to five authors, they may relate to the preliminary results of a study, scientific or professional information. They can also address current topics.

3.2. Preparation and organization of the manuscript      

The journal of the Faculty of Medicine of Oran follows international practices concerning conflicts of interest with publications subject to the rules of the ICMJE ( [1].

The text file formats that can be used are MS Word, Times New Roman font, character 12, double-spaced automatically. Special characters, Greek and mathematical characters, should be entered in full or using the Symbol font. In the text, italics may be used occasionally (in Latin locutions, writing of genes, proper names of viruses, bacteria….).

The manuscript should contain the following elements:

  1. Title page
  2. Abstract and keywords
  3. Text
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. References
  6. Figure titles and legends
  7. Tables


The number of pages starts from the title page.

Title page: should include :

- A concise and informative title of no more than 10 words

- A short title of no more than 40 characters

- The names of the authors and their affiliations. The full name and contact details (address, phone, email) of the corresponding author.

- Funding and support

- Conflicts of interest

- Number of words in the manuscript


Abstract: the abstract should appear between the title page and the introduction section of the manuscript, even if it has been uploaded separately. Manuscripts should contain a structured abstract of no more than 300 words. Abstracts are structured as follows: objective, methods, results and conclusions.

Keywords: relevant to the manuscript, 3 to 5 in number, relevant and descriptive.

The title, short title, abstract, and keywords should be submitted in English and French.

The body of the text: The text is written in a clear, concise, and precise style. In the body of the text, each reference is followed by an Arabic numbering in square brackets (e.g. [1]). The reference may be quoted several times in the text, in which case it keeps the same numbering. The pages of the text must be numbered, starting from the title page. The scientific text should contain the following sections

- Introduction

- Methodology

- Results

- Discussion and conclusion

The body of the text is followed by acknowledgments, if any, conflicts of interest, references, figure legends, and tables.

Acknowledgments: Authors may mention the people who helped in the realization of the work, excluding any organization or company that should be listed under the heading “Supporters” on the title page. It is advisable to indicate the reason for each acknowledgment. Written consent from those thanked may be requested by the journal’s editorial staff.

Bibliographic references

References are presented following Vancouver standards (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors [1].

Journal article

[1] Chentouf A, Dahdouh A, Ghomari S et al. Earlypredictors of refractoryepilepsy in Oran, Algeria: A Case-Control Study. Int J NeurolBrainDisord 2016,3(2) :1-5.

Article from a volume supplement

[2] Ohtsuka Y, Yoshinaga H, Kobayashi K et al. Refractorychildhoodepilepsy and factorsrelated to refractoriness. Epilepsia2000; 41 Suppl 9: 14-17.

Available at

[3] Kanis JA, ed. Pathology and treatment of Paget’sdiseaseofbone. London: Martin Dunitz1991.

Book chapter

[4] Dahdouh A, Chentouf A. Depression: a major public health problem. Edition Juba. Genetic vulnerability to depression May 2016(65-83), ISBN: 978-9931-53

Conference Proceedings

[5] Gammage RB, Kaye SV. Indoor air and humanhealth. Proceedings of the 7th Life Sciences Symposium,1984 Oct. 29- 31;Knoxville (TN), Chelsea (MI):Lewis;1985. P. 69- 78.


[6] Snouber A. Prevalence of primary resistance of Mycobacteriumtuberculosis to antituberculosis drugs in the wilaya of Oran [thesis]. Oran : Oran 1 University, Ahmed Benbella; 2007. P. 1-253.

Reference available in electronic format

[7] Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectiousdiseases. Emerg Infect Dis [online series] 1995; 1. Available atURL:


Each table should be presented on a separate word file, numbered in Arabic numerals and inserted in the text (in order of appearance) withits number in brackets. It must be accompanied by a title (above) and, if necessary, some explanatory notes (below). A maximum of four tables are accepted.


Figures are attached in separate files. Legends should be provided separately, clearly indicating the purpose of the figure and specifying abbreviations.

To enable the editor to easily identify the figures submitted, it is recommended that the files be named with the figure number and the format used. The preferred formats are JPEG (jpeg, jpg), TIFF (tif). For example: “fig1.tif”, for the file of Figure 1 in TIFF format. A maximum of four figures are accepted.

Figures representing people must be masked or accompanied by the written consent of the persons concerned.


Online submission procedure

Submission is exclusively online on the ASJP Algerian Scientific Journal Platform by clicking on the link:

Each submission must be accompanied by a letter of motivation addressed to the editor-in-chief including (see model in Annex 1) :

- The interest and originality of the article (10 lines maximum);

- Funding and support;

- The section to which the manuscript is submitted (original article, clinical case, systematic review…..);

The manuscript is submitted in all its elements (in Word and PDF format): title page, abstract and keywords (English-French), text, acknowledgments, references, titles and legends of figures, and tables.

Separate files must be submitted:

- The title page: title of the article in French and English, full contact details of the authors (name, first name, affiliation, and e-mail address of all authors) (appendix 2).

- The manuscript (in Word and PDF format): title page, abstract and keywords in English and French, text, acknowledgments, declaration of interest, references, titles and legends of figures, tables.

- Tables and figures (diagrams, drawings, color or black and white photos) should always be provided as separate files, one file per table and figure. Tables are submitted in Word portrait format. Figures should be provided in jpeg or tif format.

After submission of the manuscript, authors can track the progress of their manuscript via their Algerian Scientific Journal Platform (ASJP) author account as part of the review process.

The copyright transfer statement signed and dated by the author corresponding to the name of all authors must be uploaded when the article is finally accepted.


Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail (pdf format) after final acceptance of the article. Only typographical errors may be corrected, check the order of the figures and tables, their contents and legends, the order of the references, and their format. Also, check the names of the authors and their affiliations. No additions can be made to the final accepted manuscript. The authors will ensure that these proofs are returned to the publisher with the mention “Bon à tirer”, within 72 hours of their receipt. The article will be published online, once the corrected proofs are sent by the corresponding author. In case of delay, the publisher reserves the right to proceed with the online publication.


4. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
Authors should point out any link of interest that may arise from their work in general by following these recommendations: A conflict of interest exists when an author and/or co-author has financial or personal relationships with other individuals or
organizations that are likely to influence their professional judgments about an essential value (good of the patient, integrity of the research...).

5. Plagiarism
A check by anti-plagiarism software is systematically carried out for any submission. Any plagiarism leads to the rejection of the article and the non-consideration of any subsequent submission from the author.

6. Decision of the committee
6.1. Acceptance of the manuscript
A notice of acceptance of the manuscript is sent when the editorial office has considered this acceptance, after the opinion of the reviewers. Authors may still be asked for editorial and/or substantive changes, sometimes necessary for the preparation of proofs of their article. Requiring major changes does not mean that the article is accepted.
The corrected versions of the articles must respect the following indications:
• To be accompanied by a letter containing each of the modifications requested in the reading comments, which states:
- the modification made to the text by the author;
- or the reason why the latter did not wish to make the requested change or was unable to do so.
• On the corrected version itself, the modification must be indicated (using underlining, highlighting, color characters, etc.)

6.2. Refusal of the manuscript
The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse manuscripts that deviate from the instructions mentioned above and will notify the corresponding author.

6.3 Proof corrections
The proofs will be sent to the author by e-mail (pdf format) after final acceptance of the article. Only typographical errors can be corrected. No addendum can be made to the manuscript accepted definitively. Authors will arrange for these proofs to be returned to the publisher with the "To-Do" label within 72 hours of receipt. In case of delay, the publisher reserves the right to proceed with the printing.

7. Publication Charges / Fees :

At JFMO, there are no publication charges or fees for authors. This is achievable because of the unwavering commitment of our dedicated editors and reviewers, who generously contribute their time and expertise to ensure that publication remains accessible to all researchers.

8. About the reviewing process, Publication Ethics, and Malpractice Statement ( IMPORTANT TO READ)

Le Journal de la Faculté de Médecine d'Oran (JFMO) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and preventing any form of malpractice. Authors, editors, and reviewers are expected to adhere to the following ethical guidelines:

  1. Authorship and Originality:

    • All submissions must be original work and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    • Proper acknowledgment of the work of others should be provided.
    • All authors should have made substantial contributions to:                                                 - the conception and design of the study, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.                                                                                                                   - drafting the article..                                                                                                                     - final approval before submission of the article.
  2. Author Responsibilities:

    • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in their manuscripts.
    • Authors must promptly inform the editorial team of any errors discovered and cooperate in the correction process.
  3. Peer Review Process:

    • JFMO employs a transparent and unbiased double-blind peer review process, facilitated through the ASJP Governmental platform, to ensure the quality and integrity of published articles.
    • Reviewers and authors are not aware of each other's identities during the review process, ensuring an impartial evaluation.
  4. Conflicts of Interest:

    • Authors, editors, and reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that could influence the evaluation process.
  5. Plagiarism and Citation:

    • Plagiarism in any form is strictly prohibited. Proper citation and referencing should be provided for all sources.
    • Plagiarism in the context of article publication refers to the act of presenting someone else's ideas, words, or work as one's own without proper attribution or permission. It involves the unauthorized use or reproduction of another author's intellectual property, including text, ideas, data, images, or any other form of creative expression, and presenting it as original work. Plagiarism is considered a serious ethical violation in academic and professional settings, as it undermines the principles of honesty, integrity, and intellectual contribution.
  6. Data Access and Retention:

    • Authors may be required to provide access to raw data if requested by the editorial team.
    • Authors should retain data for a reasonable period after publication.
  7. Ethical Treatment of Participants:

    • Research involving human or animal participants must adhere to ethical guidelines, and appropriate approvals must be obtained.
  8. Editorial Independence:

    • Editorial decisions are based on the merit of the work and are not influenced by external factors.
  9. Confidentiality:

    • Editors and reviewers must treat all submitted manuscripts confidentially.
  10. Corrections and Retractions:

    • Corrections and retractions will be promptly published if errors or misconduct are identified.
  11. Journal Management:

    • The editorial board and management of JFMO are committed to managing the journal transparently and ethically.
  12. Complaints and Appeals:

    • A mechanism is in place for handling complaints and appeals related to editorial decisions. Authors and other stakeholders are encouraged to report any concerns.


    13. Misconduct:

Submitting an article implies that all authors approve the manuscript.

The author should state in the cover letter about:
- Funding and conflicts of interest.
- Obtaining the agreement of the ethics committee for the publication of the manuscript.
- Specify the contribution of each author.

If excerpts from other works or copyrighted material are included in the article, authors must provide written permission from the copyright holders and cite the sources of the primary publication in the article. These precautions should also be taken to avoid plagiarism.

The submitted work must comply with current laws on biomedical experimentation and the ethical recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki ("WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects").

The journal follows international conflict of interest practices related to publications subject to ICMJE rules (

-Before publication:

Any misconduct detected at the stage of submission may result in a systematic rejection of the submitted manuscript.

-After the publication of the article:
Following the recommendations of (COPE), any undeclared conflict of interest or misconduct detected at the stage of acceptance or publication of the article will be the subject of investigations by the authors. in extreme cases; and in the face of serious misconduct that could harm the ethics and reputation of the journal, and after informing the authors, the editor reserves the right to retract the article.

To avoid such incidents, authors must declare any conflict of interest, and ensure that the list of authors is complete and final before submitting the manuscript for evaluation to the JFMO journal.
After acceptance, the list of authors is final.

N.B: This statement is subject to periodic review and updates to ensure alignment with evolving ethical standards and best practices.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2602-6511
print ISSN: 2571-9874
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