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Kledingbehoeftes as motivering vir konformistiese en individualistiese kledinggedrag van middel-adolessente Deel II: Die bepaling van konformistiese en individualistiese kledingbehoeftes by
needs which underpin conformistic and individualistic clothing behaviours. The sample was 169 Afrikaans schoolgirls chosen from a target population of 207 from four high schools in Welkom. The action research methodology that was followed included both qualitative and quantitative measurements to enhance validity.
A Likert-type scale was used to identify conformistic and individualistic clothing needs. Frequencies and intensities were compared and plotted on a one-dimensional horizontal distance scale which indicated correlations
between items measuring the same concept.
Using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, no significant positive or negative correlations were found between individualistic and conformistic clothing behaviour.
Clothing statements were linked to needs associated with conformistic and individualistic clothing behaviour. Frequencies and intensities were considered and the
following conclusions were drawn:¨ The respondents favoured uniqueness in their clothing. ¨ They preferred to choose their clothing from modern and fashionable selections. ¨ They were conscious of clothing norms,
were eager to dress correctly and desired social approval.
The respondent’s clothing was observed qualitatively and evaluated objectively on formal and informal occasions. The results supported the quantitative findings that the
respondents tended to conform to clothing norms, but preferred uniqueness and a personal tough.
The results were analysed and applied as follows:
¨ The respondent’s clothing needs were classified as self and other-directed and their statements were classified as
egocentric and sociocentric. ¨ The respondents’ clothing needs were related to internal and external aspects of
development, with special reference to autonomy and identity developmental tasks. ¨ Lists of conformistic and individualistic clothing needs were compiled, based on
the findings and the literature review on needs, values, interests and attitudes. A model was constructed to demonstrate the interrelationship between conformistic and individualistic clothing behaviour.