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Grammatical realization of Russian etiquette speech genres: The genre «request»

T. S. Shakhmatova
L. A. Moskaleva
W. Cui


The article is devoted to the issue of grammatical approach application during the teaching of Russian etiquette speech for foreigners. In the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, the issues related to the development of etiquette speech genres arise at all stages of language learning, beginning with the first words in Russian. The state educational standard and the educational program on RAF have the section dedicated to the mastering of communicative and speech competencies, where, in particular, the possession of etiquette norms of speech is prescribed. It would seem that the problem of communication mastering in this way should be removed, since there is a list of necessary skills, vocabulary, grammatical structures at a particular level. The article examines approaches to an effective communication education in Russian taking into account national-cultural, pragmatic and grammatical features. An active participation of the grammatical approach plays an important role in education improvement from the point of view of the authors. The article discusses the main existing approaches to the teaching of speech etiquette, the issue about the need to train speech reactions not only in favorable etiquette situations, but also in more complex conditions of non-cooperative communication is raised. According to the authors the most effective approach is the one which is based on systemic grammatical expansion of genre cliche possibilities.

Key words: intercultural communication, grammaticalization, etiquette speech genres, speech formulas, speech cliches, the development of speech skills, request.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1112-9867