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The impact of coaching module based on teaching games for understanding towards school netball players' performance

J. Jani
N. Salimin
M. I. Shahril


The study aimed was to assess the effectiveness of coaching module based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) towards the performance of school netball players. Samples consisted of 14 netball players in selected Malaysian secondary schools. The players had gone through four-weeks of training using the coaching module. The results showed that the coaching module has a high impact on players' performance in the aspects of decision-making, chose and used attack and defense strategy at the right time and place during netball game. There was a strong and significant positive relationship between the uses of coaching module  ith performance of the players in netball game. The implication of this study was to help school coaches to incorporate thinking culture of players on the ability in decision-making skills, choosing and using attack and defense strategy during playing netball.

Keywords: TGfU; coaching module; decision-making; attack and defense strategy; netball.

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print ISSN: 1112-9867