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The confluence of rhetoric and ethics in hurting the text, with focusing on pieces of Anvari poetry (diwan).
Ethics (morality) is the detecting excellences and achieving them and recognizing vices and avoiding or releasing them. Whatever is in line with these two things, called morality? Rhetoric is the expressiveness of language which is resulted from observing principles and rules of a collection of innovative science, meaning and expression. Observing addressee status in semantics as a part of rhetoric has aspects that observing cultural-ethical standards which are respectful for addressee is one of its components. Anvari Abiverdi was the poet of 6th century who has experienced composing poems in various kinds of framework. While Anvari is mostly known for his odes which are often eulogy. However the power of Anvari in poetry is so popular but his failure in observing border and entering to taboo hurt his poetry through 2 ways: first they make addressee to turn away toward the text and second the editor is forced to manipulate the main text and remove some part of it. This is a point which rhetoric principles and ethical standards confluence and they act against the text with a common position.Studying, understanding and introducing this confluence point would open a new window to studying literary texts.
Keywords: ethics, rhetoric, addressee status, Anvari, pieces