Modeling rainfall-runoff relationships in a watershed have an important role in water resources engineering. Researchers have used numerical models for modeling rainfall-runoff process in the watershed because of non-linear nature of rainfall-runoff relationship, vast data requirement and physical models hardness. The main object of this research was to model the rainfall-runoff relationship at the Turkey River in Mississippi. In this research, two numerical models including ANN and ANFIS were used to model the rainfall-runoff process and the best model was chosen. Also, by using SPSS software, the regression equations were developed and then the best equation was selected from regression analysis. The obtained results from the numerical and regression modeling were compared each other. The comparison showed that the model obtained from ANFIS modeling was better than the model obtained from regression modeling. The results also stated that the Turkey river flow rate had a logical relationship with one and two days ago flow rate and one, two and three days ago rainfall values.