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Biodiversity assessment of high rain forest under human activities: a case study of Erinle Forest in Ogun State, Nigeria
The diversity of wild animals, both mammals and avifauna present at Erinle are good indication of the richness of the forest. Despite the human activities, the forest still serve significant dens for species such as Palm civet [Nandinia biotata ], serval [felis serval], Duiker [cepahlophus spp], bush buck [Tragelaphus scriptus], primate like [Cercopithecidae], and variety of aves. Most of these species are under protection of International Union for Conservation of Natural Resources [Vulnerable, Endangered, Threatened species]. It is however concluded that all form of developmental operation activity at the Erinle forest have affected these conservation important species, and also transformed the whole natural environment which have resulted into disastrous multiplier effect.
Key Words: Biodiversity, Environment, Degradation, Assessment, Species.
Journal of Environmental Extension Vol.4 2003: 43-50