Concept of sustainability in forest resources management in Nigeria was discussed. Sources and magnitude of deforestation over the years were also highlighted. Forest regeneration, wilderness consciousness, outdoor tourism and wildlife preservation were areas of very high potentials in the country. Nigeria was shown to be one of the countries richly endowed with great biodiversity in Africa, but that population pressures are not only leading to its rapid destruction/depletion. The importance of participatory approach to natural resources management strategies through NGO's. rural women involvement in forest regeneration, soil and water conservation, wildlife protection and use of improved wood stoves were advocated as solution. The paper concludes by making some policy recommendations such as upward review of chargeable fees and royalties, that the proceeds should be recycled within the local people to ensure their loyalty and protection of the forest resources, increase in the forest area under reserves (from 10% to 20%), introduction of highly efficient wood stoves which will minimize drastically the fuel wood needs and utilize the wastes from timber in the forest, gantry and sawmills to reduce the population pressures on forest resources and finally encourage the participation of all stakeholders in forestry development..
[JEXT Vol.1(1) 2000: 89-97]