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Natural resources management by local associations in Ifedore local government area of Ondo State
Frequency distribution show that majority of the respondents were within ages of 30-50 years (61.34%) about 84 percent were literate, 65.33percent of them are farmers. The operational capacity of the local association members shows the following: erosion combat (15.33%); promotion of environmental management public awareness education (87.33%) imposition of sanctions for bush fires (82.67%), and monitoring of tree cutting in the forest (75.33%). These have contributed towards more effective and equitable management of natural resources.
Multiple regression analysis results indicates that age, educational level, year of association formation and professional status of members were significant factors in natural resource management using the double log functions as the lead equation. The R2 was 0.54, 0.58 and 0.63 for linear, semi-log and double log forms of equations respectively.
Local association members should be encouraged to contribute more to the effective management of natural resources in their communities to reduce environmental degradation..
[JEXT Vol.1(1) 2000: 63-68]