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Women's participation in sustainable crop farming activities in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State
A multi-stage random sampling method was used in selecting 150 women farmers from two ADP zones. An interview schedule was designed to obtain data on the respondents' eleven identified sustainable crop-farming activities.
Results show that most of the respondents have between 3-10 years of farming experience. Over half of them had average farm size of 2-3 hectares while over one-third had no formal education. The highest mean for each crop farming activity was set at 2.00 crop farming activities such as processing, storage and planting had higher mean scores ( x = 1.81 x= 1.79; x = 1.64 respectively) while ridging, fertilizer application and stumping had lower mean scores (x = 0.82; x = 0.91 x = 0.95 respectively).
The respondents were categorized into 3 on the basis of the scores on the level of women's participation in sustainable crop farming activities thus:
i. Low level participation Z= (-1.20 to-0.22) 42.7 percent
ii. Medium level participation Z = - (0.23 to -0.76) 48.0 percent
iii. High level participation Z = (0.77 to 1.75) 9.3 percent
There was no significant relationship between respondent's level of participation in sustainable crop farming activities and their religion (2= 0.35,p>0.05) and farm size (2 0.71 p>0.05). A significant relationship however, existed between the level of sustainable crop farming activities and respondents' age (2 = 0.10; p< 0.05), educational level (2 = 0.61,p<0.05). Marital status 2 = 0.34,p <0.05) and household size (2 = 1.09, p<0.05).
This study recommends that women should be given adequate support in terms of education and production techniques and that decision makers must concern themselves with women's issues.
[JEXT Vol.2(1) 2001: 24-31]