Journal of Environmental Extension is purely academic and accepts positional or empirical articles that meet the editorial review standard. As much as possible, articles submitted remain as original as the author intends and so responsibility for the content and macro formatting remain of the author. Original articles not published elsewhere are accepted in the following area: Health Agriculture Technology Waste management Home economics Physical sciences Fisheries Forestry and Water management Such articles should address the following issues: Environmental impacts of practices, policies and technologies Development of indigenous environmental practices, ideas and management Enhancing participatory approach to technology development for sustainability and biodiversity conservation Generation, promotion and dissemination of appropriate technology and environmentally friendly practices Approaches to networking for environmentally concerned agencies Instructions for authors Manuscripts should be written in English and computer word processed on Microsoft Word, Word Perfect 6.1 or lower versions or PageMaker 6.5 or lower versions (keep a 3.5 floppy file copy). Manually typed manuscripts will be charged for type-setting. Three (3) printed copies of not more than ten (10) A4 pages in double line spacing are to be sent to the coordinators (addresses below). Such articles should be accompanied with N500.00 (or $15.00) reviewer's fee. Publication charges are to be decided later on acceptance of articles. Format for writing articles Title: This should be related to a focus area/issue and be as brief as possible. Author's name(s) and official contact address(es) are to be stated. Abstract: In not more than 250 words to highlight major issues of findings addressed in the paper. This is important for empirical articles. Key words: (if any) These should be constructs peculiar to the article and not commonly used. Introduction: To anchor the basis for the article or research, the background, aims/objectives have to be clearly stated with scientific implications. Assertions here must be supported or appropriately referenced. Main Body: For positional paper, this should be arranged to have a logical flow all through. For research articles, the methodology, result analysis (statistical tests to be reported in 2 decimal places and levels of significance stated) and discussion are to be clarified. Conclusion: To address highlights of the article/paper Recommendation/Suggestion: This should not be vague but pragmatic, feasible and in conventional styles. References: List of references should show all authors and year of publication. Titles of published works, names and volume of journals, proceedings, mimeographs and other serials are to underlined. For other published works, the address of the publisher is to be stated. All references have to indicate specific pages cited. Articles are accepted at all times and should be sent to: Dr. A.E. Adekoya or Dr. L.A. Akinbile E-mail: Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry. University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1595-5125