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The effect of social media on customer trust and decision-making behavior in the hotel industry

Josofina Beyene
Assegid Ayele


This study intended to investigate the effect of social media on customer trust and decision-making behaviour in the hotel industry. Methodologically, study employed descriptive and explanatory research design with quantitative research approach. The data were collected from 295 samples drawn based on avaialabe sampling technique. SEM was used to test the hypothesized relationships, causations and interdependces. The findigs revealed that social networking, microblogging, content communities and customer review and rating sites sig-nificantly affect customer trust and decision making behaviour. Simlary customer trsust sig-nificantly affect customer decision making behavior. It has been recommended that improv-ing reputation and website quality especially information may increase customers’ trust and eventually leads to decision.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2523-1901