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Innovative teaching and learning beyond crisis: systematic literature review of blended learning model in Higher Education Institutions Post COVID-19

Mebrate Bekele Feyisa
Ei Phyu Kyaw
Orsolya kálmán


This systematic review focuses on the effectiveness, students’ satisfaction, advantages, and challenges of blended teaching and learning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) post-pandemic. We were interested in conducting the review as the outbreak of COVID-19 has triggered the application of blended teaching and learning, which scholars research. How-ever, the available systematic review papers are limited, and the present review topic of focus differs from those available. Four questions guided the review: how effective is Blended Teaching and Learning in higher education institutions (HEIs)? How satisfied are the stu-dents with the blended teaching and learning in HEIs? What are the purposes of embracing the model in HEIs teaching and learning? What are the challenges HEIs face during the application of the model? The PRISMA protocol was followed to identify and screen the articles. Research articles were collected from Scopus, ERIC, ProQuest, and Google Scholar. A total of 20 articles were included in the analysis. The result revealed that the Blended teaching and learning model was effective post-pandemic. Even though few re-searchers have shown students' dissatisfaction, most of them described that students are mo-tivated and satisfied with the model. The main purposes of integrating the model are acces-sibility, self-directed learning, collaboration, self-paced learning, flexibility, cost-effective-ness, and improved performance. Challenges experienced encompass lack of knowledge and skills, lack of devices, internet connectivity, anxiety, and the problem of distance assessment. Overall, the model is fruitful and can be applied in a crisis or beyond that in Higher Educa-tion Institutions.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2523-1901