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Investigation on the antifungal properties of freshly pressed garlic juice on major pathogenic fungi
Methods: Freshly pressed juice of varying concentrations of garlic were assessed for their antifungal properity on major pathogenic moulds, yeasts and dermatophytes. Fresh garlic was purchased, the cloves were peeled, washed, weighed and ground to obtain garlic paste. The paste was squeezed through fine gauze pads to obtain fresh garlic juice. The juice was filtered and anti-fungal susceptibility of the juice and the standard drug Nystatin were determined by using agar incorporation technique in Sabouraud Agar Medium. All the plates were inoculated with the test organisms and incubated at 25oC for up to three to seven days except for dermatophytes which were incubated for up to three weeks at the same temperature. Part of the juice was lyophilized, weighed and calculated to determine the extract concentration
Results: Garlic juice was found to inhibit the growth of the standard organisms of Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus niger, and the clinical isolates of A. niger at a concentation of 25µl/ml (10mg/ml). A.flavus was inhibited at 37.5µl/ml (15mg/ml) & T. rubrum, T.mentagraphyte, M.canis, E.flocusum were inhibited at 75µl/ml (30mg/ml).
Conclusion: It is concluded that freshly pressed juice of garlic has a strong antifungal effect on the major pathogenic moulds, yeasts and dermatophytes. Further purification and formulation of the juice would give a true antifungal activity comparable to standard antibiotics.
Key words: Allium sativum, antifungal, garlic, dermatophytes
[ J Ethiop Med Pract,2001;3(1):16-20]