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Comparison of the yield of sputum smear examination of suspect pulmonary TB patients using direct microscopy, centrifugation, and sodium hypochlorite pluscentrifugation
Methods: An Experimental study was performed in Dil-Chora regional hospital, Eastern Ethiopia, to compare the yield of acid fast bacilli from sputum samples by using three different methods i.e., 1.Direct smearing of the sputum sample with out any treatment. 2.Centrifugation of the sputum sample with distilled water, and 3. Adding NaOC1, sodium hypo chlorite (house hold bleach) to the sputum sample and later centrifuging the solution. 200 sputum samples were collected from patients suspected to have pulmonary tuberculosis. From each sputum sample collected, three slides were made by the above three different techniques.
Results: Of the total 200 sputum samples, 25 were positive for acid fast bacilli by direct smearing, 45 by centrifugation, and 61 of the samples after treatment with bleach and centrifugation.. The result showed a significant increase in the yield of acid fast bacilli when sodium hypo chlorite was added to the sputum and cerifuged as compared to direct smearing (P<0.001). The difference between centrifugation alone and direct smearing was also significant (P<0.001). The study also showed a significant difference in acid fast bacilli yield between centrifugation alone and centrifugation of the sputum after being digested by sodium hypochlorite (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Treating the sputum samples with sodium hyprochlorite has the advantage of reducing the risk of contamination by the acid fast bacilli as it is a disinfectant. And therefore we recommend this technique to be included in the laboratory manual of the national Tuberculosis control program as it is cheap, has better yield and is easy to perform
[J Ethiopia Med Pract. 2001:3(2):77–80 ]