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Additional notes on the small mammals of Malundwe Mountain, Mikumi National Park, Tanzania

W T Stanley
G Norton
P M Kihaule
L Collet
K McQuaid


Following a preliminary survey in 2004, a more intensive inventory of the small mammals of Mount Malundwe, Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, was conducted in July, 2005. Two species of insectivore, one species of bat, and five species of rodent were documented in the montane forest of this mountain. There were significantly more Praomys captured in 2005 than in 2004, but no new species of shrew or rodent were documented. One species of bat was recorded for the first time on Malundwe. The results of this study suggest that several surveys over an extended period of time may be necessary to comprehensively document the diversity and abundance of a small mammal community in an Afromontane forest.

Journal of East African Natural History Vol. 96 (2) 2007 pp. 203-214

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1026-1613
print ISSN: 0012-8317