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Studies on the complexes of Isonicotinoyl 2-chlorobenzaldehyde hydrazones with Cu II and Mn II and their antimicrobial studies

O. Idoko
S. Mamman
P. Ukoha
I. Abdullahi


Complexes isonicotinoyl 2-chlorobenzaldehyde hydrazone with Mn II and Cu II were synthesized and characterized using UV visible  spectrophotometry, Infrared spectrophotometry Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, melting point, solubility test, conductivity  measurement, magnetic susceptibility. Some bacterial and fungal strains were used to screen for the biological activities of the ligands  and complexes. The melting point of the ligand (216 – 218) °C is higher than 106 – 107.80C of the Mn complex. The Cu complex decomposed at 174°C.The solubility showed that the ligand and complexes were soluble in dimethyl sulphoxide, but insoluble in water.  The conductivity test showed that the Cu complex are conductors with higher value (9.934) µS/cm, while the Mn complexes are non- conductor with lower value (1.346) µS/cm. The magnetic susceptibility measurement pointed out that the complexes are paramagnetic  with unpaired electrons. There was coordination via the azomethine nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen in all the complexes with a square  planar geometries stoichiometrically combined in the ratio of ML 1:2 for the metal and ligand respectively. The ligand and complexes  showed appreciable activities against Methicillin resistant staphlococus aureus (MRSA), Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori, salmonella typhi  Aspergillus fumigatus and aspergillus niger 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-2441
print ISSN: 0795-2066