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Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystal cellulose derived from Parkia biglobosa pod

S.O. Didigwu
E.C. Ezeh
O.P. Nsude
K. J. Orie
F.I. Odoh
E.E. Ephraim


The careless dumping of agricultural waste in Nigeria is a significant environmental issue that requires attention. Some states in Nigeria  haphazardly dump the pod of Parkia biglobosa, a pod that should have served an essential purpose in the waste to wealth context. The  study investigates the synthesis and characterization of nanocellulose derived from the Parkia biglobosa pod. Standard procedures were  used to isolate nanocellulose and were characterised with FTIR, SEM-EDX, XRD, TGA, and DTG techniques. The FTIR analysis identified the  existence of O-H, C-O-C pyranose rings, and cellulose β-glycosidic connections. The SEM showed a surface that was uneven and had small  clusters of the NCC. The devolatilization of cellulose in the raw and NCC of ALBP was recorded at 43.205% and 71.90%, respectively,  with the NCC exhibiting the highest value. At 380˚C and 400˚C, the thermal decomposition peaks for raw Parkia biglobosa and NCC caused  the most weight loss. Nanocrystal cellulose has a higher crystallinity index than raw pod powder. Using EDX, the elemental analysis  revealed the presence of raw C (49.21%) and O (50.79%), while the NCC contains C (46.03%) and O (53.93%). with some variations. Various  treatments applied to the raw locust bean pod correlate with the change in percentage mass. Thus, the NCC might be employed as a  reinforcing ingredient for the creation of green composites, binder, adsorbents, and polymeric polymers. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-2441
print ISSN: 0795-2066