1. Originality

Authors are expected to report results of original research not published elsewhere. A review with useful innovations may be considered for publication if the summaries of the articles contain information from scattered literature that could stimulate research on the topic. The language of communication must be in English and spelling must be consistent with Oxford Dictionary

2. Requirement:

Electronic copies of manuscripts should be typewritten double space on A4 sized paper with a 30mm margins on all sides and sent as attachments to csnjournal@gmail.com or csnjournal@chemsociety.org.ng.

3.Title papers:

It is mandatory that the title should unambiguously reflect the content of the paper.

4.Names and address of the authors:

The names of the authors (s) should follow the title. The address of the place where the research was conducted should be given. Avoid the use of titles for authors. Also E-mail address and phone numbers should be specified for easy reach


The abstract should be clear and concise. The abstract should give the scope, purpose, procedures, significant result and conclusions of the research work.


The introduction should contain the purpose of reason for the study being reported. Also highlight of previous and related work is required. The literature cited must be discussed to show the relationship between the published work and the research study.

7. Materials and Methods

Only highlight of procedures which are common knowledge should be included. Details should be referred to literature cited. New approaches or methodology should however receive detailed attention.

8. Results and Discussion:

The results and Discussion should be combined. Direct repetition of methodology should be avoided under this section. Authors should discuss their results and avoid just highlighting their results.

9. S.I. Units

The standard International Units should be used throughout. Unusual symbols should be defined when first mentioned.

10.Tables, Graphs and Structural formulae

Tables and figures should be placed in the appropriate places within the text. Avoid grid lines. These must be prepared in such a way as to permit photo reproduction. Minimum character size must be 2.5 where diagrams and graphs are provided, they should be formatted so as to fit into a 2-column page as much as possible Structural formulae should carry Arabic numbers in the text and below the formula which should be drawn neatly within the typed manuscript.

11.Nomenclature and Abbreviations:

Authors are requested to follow the nomenclature and abbreviations that are to be found in other reputable journals. Specialized terms, unusual abbreviations trade names and semi- ambiguous terms should be defined at first point of use.

12. Acknowledgment:

Acknowledgement should be limited to a minimum. All assistance obtained in the form of finance as well as collection of data may be indicated.

13. References:

References should be listed in a separate sheet. Give initials followed by surnames. E.g.  J. I. Okogun, TO. Olagbemiro and and A.I. Onuchukwu(1999), title of paper, j. Chem. Soc. Nigeria, 2, 59. References cited in the text should bear the Arabic number in brackets and listed in order at the end of manuscript, e.g. ‘’kinetic evidence for the metal participation of has been discussed elsewhere (2) or (2-5).  

14. Electronic copies

On acceptance of a manuscript, the journal of the Chemical Society of Nigeria demands an electronic copy of an error-free manuscript based on the comments of the reviewers. It should be  prepared on compatible system using Microsoft word

15. Page charges:

Handling and page charges are levied on authors. Each article must be accompanied by a processing fee of Two Thousand Naira (N2,000.00) only, while the page charge of Thirty Thousand Naira (N30,000) is required for the first 8 pages and an additional One thousand Naira N1000.00) per page thereafter after a successful peer review process. All payments should be made to the First bank, account of Prof. Joseph Anireju LORI Acct No: 2005714713. Scanned tellers should be sent as attachments along with the manuscript to csnjournal@gmail.com. Lengthy articles are not encouraged (above 8pages) and will attract extra charge.

 All correspondence to:

Prof. Joseph Anireju LORI (BSc, MSc, PhD, FCSN, FICCON, FRSC)
Department of Chemical Sciences,
Bingham University, Karu, Nigeria.
csnjournal@gmail.com or csnjournal@chemsociety.org.ng

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-2441
print ISSN: 0795-2066