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The Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome among normal weight Nigerians
Materials and Methods. Three hundred and sixty-nine subjects, (369, men 207, women 162), aged above 30 years were randomly recruited for the study. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed using the National Cholesterol Education Programme/ Adult Treatment Panel 111, (NCEP/ATP111), criteria.
Results. Thirty six subjects (9 males, 27 females) had three abnormal factors. Four abnormal factors occurred in 3 female subjects giving a total of 39 subjects that satisfied the criteria for the diagnosis of the MS. These gave the prevalence of MS as 10.6%, 4.3% and 18.5% among all, male and female subjects respectively. MS was distributed evenly in the normal BMI range among the women while among the men more cases were found in the upper range of normal BMI. Prevalence increased with BMI.
Conclusions. Individuals in the normal-BMI range have a relatively high prevalence and are at increased risk of having MS and its components. Therefore, physicians should screen metabolic syndrome in not only obese but also non-obese individuals in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The possibility of using WC in placed of BMI in the assessment of cardiovascular risk was underscored.