The frontal sinus is a bilateral asymmetric and pyramidal structure located in the frontal bone. It is absent at birth. The frontal sinus is extremely resilient to injury. However, high velocity impacts such as motor vehicle accidents and assaults can result in frontal sinus fractures. Such high velocity impacts lead to aesthetic deformities. CSF leakage, hypoaesthesia and anaesthesia of the supra-orbital area. Long term complications associated with such injury include sinusitis and mucocoele formation. With Multidisciplinary approach, endotracheal anaesthesia, advent of CT, reconstruction of facial bones along with new surgical techniques has dramatically improved the final outcome and appearance of patients who have sustained bonny injuries to the maxillofacial structures. This reality is completely or wholly the case in most developing countries and Maxillo-Facial centres.
Our experience at the maxillofacial unit of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Kaduna, Nigeria, in managing such a case is shared here.