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The use of placebo control in clinical trials: An overview of the ethical issues involved for the protection of human research participants.
drugs while the control group receives the placebo. When patients believe that a certain medication will improve their condition, that fact alone can cause certain positive effects when combine with pill, an injection or even a surgical procedure. Researchers can utilize such adventitious effects and more precisely determine the actual therapeutic benefit of a new treatment. However, the use of placebo in clinical trials has been controversial with many stake holders in clinical research expressing different opinions. It is usually not problematic to use a placebo in clinical trials when testing a new treatment in absence of a known treatment. On the other hand, resort to placebo controls becomes ethically
controversial when researchers wish to introduce a new treatment as a possible successor or competitor drugs whose use is currently a standard practice. More problematic and controversial is the use of invasive placebo in interventions in surgical trials. This article is therefore, a critical presentation of the ethical issues involved in the protection of human
research participants in the presence of placebo controlled clinical trials