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Evaluation of the incidence of post-operative hypoxaemia following propofol versus halothane in children undergoing head and neck surgery
Aim: To evaluate the incidence of post-operative hypoxaemia in children randomized to receive either halothane-nitrous oxide (N2 0) or propofol- nitrous oxide, during a standardized anaesthetic technique for superficial surgery.
Method: All patients had standard anaesthesia with either of the two drugs. Oxygen saturation was monitored with a pulse oximeter. After tracheal extubation, all the patients received 100% oxygen for at least 3 minutes and then were transferred to the recovery room (RR) in the left lateral position. The SPO2 values were monitored in the Recovery Room and supplemental oxygen was administered to all patients with SPO2 less than 90%.
Results: There were no significant differences in demographic characteristics or in the times to tracheal extubation and transfer to the RR between the two groups. While SPO2 values decreased in both groups during transfer to the RR, they did not differ significantly at any time in the RR.
Conclusion: The use of propofol does not decrease the incidence of postoperative hypoxaemia in the patient population studied.
Journal of College of Medicine Vol. 11(1) 2006: 26-29