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HIV/AIDS Awareness Among Post-primary Students
Method: A stratified random sample of 4000 students participated in the study. The instrument used in collecting the data titled HIV/AIDS Awareness Inventory (HAAI) was tested and the Pearson product moment correlation was 0,73. The final Spearman-Brown formula yielded 0.85, which showed that the instrument was reliable. The z-test and ANOVA were the statistical methods used.
Results: The major findings were that: 68% of male students as opposed to 81% of female students agreed that disease could be transmitted only through sexual intercourse, 97% of the students agreed that the disease carrier could easily be identified by sickly lean look, 93% of the female students who have had sexual intercourse agreed that their partners did not use condom and 72% of the students have never had sexual intercourse while 87% were found not to be sexually active.
Conclusion: The awareness of HIV/AIDS is very low inspite of all the efforts already put in by both the government and non-governmental agencies. The parents, teachers, politicians, community and religious leaders and the mass media, should intensify the awareness of the disease at the grass root level.
Key Words: HIV/AIDS, Awareness, Post-primary students, Nigeria.
[Jnl College of Medicine Vol.7(2) 2002: 84-86]