W. J. Mavura
Department of Chemistry, Egerton University, Kenya
M. O. Apiyo
Department of Environental Sciences, Egerton University, Kenya
W. A. Shivoga
Department of Environental Sciences, Egerton University, Kenya
A study on the impact of South Nyanza Sugar factory effluents on River Sare was carried out involving ten physico-chemical parameters including Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen (DO), etc regarded as pollution indicators. Water samples were collected from both upstream and downstream from the point of discharge from January to June covering dry and rainy seasons. Samples were analyzed according to standard methods. It was found that most of the physico-chemical parameters showed distinctive changes downstream from the factory compared to upstream sampling sites. The month of May showed even spectacular changes. During the month of May the factory is serviced, the exercise that includes the discharge of waste water lagoons into the river.
Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice Vol.1(2)
2004: 39-54