The research work focused on hazards of solid wastes with special attention paid to the victims. Modes of exposure and extent of the hazards on scavengers, waste collectors and the general public were critically analysed. The public level of awareness and the efficiency of the Waste Management Board in Ibadan were rated. In all 25 scavengers, 25 waste collectors and 88 residents in the neighbourhood of solid waste were randomly sampled. In addition, water samples were collected from three geo-social zones of the local government; low-income, medium-income, and high-income earners' areas and analysed. The study revealed that the local government environment and inhabitants are threatened by the solid waste hazard. The scavengers are the most vulnerable while the waste collectors follow behind. Also, 87.2% correlation between the sustained ailments and the respondents' occupation was recorded. The water sample from low-income area has the highest concentration of iron and thus most polluted.
Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice Vol.1(2)
2004: 17-26