Chung-Bang Yun
Smart Infra-Structure Technology Center, KAIST, Daejon, Korea,
Ki-Soo Kim
Hoseo Graduate School of Venture, Hoseo Univ., Asan, Korea,
Sung-Kon Kim
Dept. of Str. Eng., Seoul Nat. Univ. of Tech., Seoul, Korea,
Jong-Jae Lee
Smart Infra-Structure Technology Center, KAIST, Daejon, Korea,
Developments and applications of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems have become active particularly for long-span bridges in Korea. They are composed of sensors, data acquisition system, data transmission system, information processing, damage assessment, and information management. In this paper, current status of research and application activities on SHM systems for civil infra-structures in Korea are briefly introduced in four parts: (1) current status of bridge monitoring systems on existing and newly constructed bridges, (2) research and development activities on smart sensors such as optical fiber sensors and piezo-electric sensors, (3) structural damage detection methods using measured data, and (4) a test road project for pavement design verification and enhancement by the Korea Highway Corporation. Finally R&D activities of a new engineering research center entitled Smart Infra-Structure Technology Center at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology are also briefly described.
Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice Vol.1(1) 2004: 1-12