The study investigates the quality of leadership in higher institutions of learning in Ghana using data from three (3) public universities. Using a mixed method, the study employed both exploratory and causal design to investigate the dimensions of Quality of Leadership from the Ghanaian perspective. The paper proceeded with an exploration into the definition and dimensions of quality of leadership using both a theoretical and conceptual framework validated by qualitative views. This was followed by a causal analysis of the factors influencing quality of leadership. Relevant survey data was obtained from rectors, vice chancellors, deans of schools and administrative staff of the three public institutions. The paper used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Ordered Logit and Probit regressions to assess the factors influencing Quality of Leadership in higher institutions of learning. Controlling for demographic factors, the paper found that quality of vision had the strongest impact on quality of leadership in higher institutions of learning. Personal factors and situational factors are the next important dimension affecting Quality of Leadership. The impact of personal factors and situational factors were statistically significant at 1%. Organizational factors are the fourth important factor impacting Quality of Leadership. The coefficient is statistically significant at 5% in the OLS regression but 1% in the OLOGIT and OPROBIT regressions. The study recommends that improving Quality of Leadership in institutions of higher learning requires clear identification of the vision, improved personal attributes of the leader and a tacit understanding of the situational and organizational factors prevailing in the institution at the particular time period.