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A short running title should also be supplied. A single-paragraph summary of not more than 200 words outlining the purpose and methods of the work, important findings and conclusions must be supplied on a separate sheet. The text, starting on a new page, should be presented under appropriate headings: Introduction, Materials (or Patients) and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, References. In general, abbreviations should not be used without explanation the first time they occur and SI units should be used wherever possible. Tables should be typed on separate sheets, numbered with Arabic numerals, and a heading for each provided. Any footnotes should be typed beneath the body of the table. Vertical rules should be avoided. Letters to the Editor should have a maximum of 400 words, one table or figure and not more than five references. No summary is necessary and headings, apart from 'References', are optional. Authors' names and addresses should be listed at the end of text, before the references. Illustrations. Figures and plates should be used only when necessary to illustrate particular structures or conditions, to summarise data or to record quantitative results. They should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited and their approximate position indicated in the margin of the text. Photographs should be supplied as high-contrast, glossy prints. Special attention should be paid to clarity of all figures. Each illustration should be clearly labeled on the back with its figure number, the paper title and the name(s) of the author(s); the top of the illustration should also be indicated. Legends for illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet, not on the illustrations themselves. Subject to editorial discretion, up to 16 pages of each issue may carry colour figures free of charge to the authors. References should be indicated by superscripted numerals in the text (e.g. '...has been reported.1'; or ' ..., as shown by John.2), numbered in the order in which they are first mentioned, and should be listed in numerical order on a separate sheet at the end of the paper. References cited only in tables or illustrations should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by their first mention in the text. Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus or given in full. References must include: (i) all authors' surnames and initials (if there are six authors or fewer) or (if there are seven or more) the first three authors, followed by '. ., et al.'; (ii) the full title of the paper; (iii) the title of the journal; (iv) the year of publication; (v) the volume number; (vi) the first and last page numbers. Citation of chapters in books should include the author(s) and title of the chapter, editors' names, title of the book, city of publication, name of publisher, year of publication and page nos if appropriate. Examples: 1. Ward LC Dahike A Manson S Effects of exercise and dietary fat upon body composition. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000; 904: 369-371. 2. Laires MJ Monteiro CP. Magnesium and physical exercise In: Smetna R (ed) Advances in Magnesium Research 1 England: John Labbey & Company Ltd 1997;325-331. Offprints. Twenty offprints of each paper are supplied free of charge. Additional copies may be purchased and should be ordered when the proofs are returned. Offprints and a complete copy of the relevant journal issue will be sent about 3 weeks after publication. Copyright. It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright of their articles, including abstracts, in The Biomedical Research Association of Nigeria. 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