International Journal of Applied Technologies in Library and Information Management 2025-02-06T08:18:08+00:00 Professor Udo Nwokocha Open Journal Systems <p>The journal aims to publish high quality primary and secondary research and peer-reviewed papers for worldwide readership by librarians and information professionals. The journal is an online open access journal published for Librarians, Information Scientists, Information Technologists, Information and Knowledge Managers and Research Scholars (including undergraduates and postgraduate LIS students). There is also a print version of the journal.<br /><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Focus and scope of journal</strong><br />Empirical research, analytical review or technical briefs papers are invited for publication consideration in JATLIM. The Journal is an international journal dedicated to well researched articles on technologies applicable to library and information management in all types of libraries and information centres. Studies on other aspects of Librarianship and Information Science such as Information Seeking Behaviour, Technologies for LIS education and practice are as well considerable. </p> Impact of institutional repository practices on lecturers' publications output and online visibility in universities in South-East, Nigeria (2010 – 2023) 2025-02-05T13:41:07+00:00 Samuel Ibenne Augonus N. Uhegbu <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research examined the impact of institutional repository policies and practices on lecturers' publications output and online visibility in Universities in the Southern region of Nigeria. Based on 5-point research objectives, both ex-post facto and exploratory survey research designs were adopted to investigate a sample of 1,122 respondents, whilst using purposive and simple random sampling techniques in selecting the respondents. A combination of questionnaire, interview and checklist were used to collect data. Findings reveal that Thesis and Dissertations were the main information resources found in the repositories, but also extends to few hard copies and e-versions of textbooks and journals. Production of abstracts, compulsory submission of thesis and dissertations by students, Postgraduate schools' certification of thesis and dissertations and test for plagiarism were some of the practices adopted for the institutional repositories. Policy framework covered such areas like depositions, practices, administration, retention, linkages and use. Findings also reveal that research output of lecturers and their online visibility because of use of IR were low. The research concludes that while IR has become huge asset for research output and online visibility of the lecturers, efforts should be geared towards ensuring rapid and sustainable development within the universities. It recommends amongst others the adoption of IR as criteria for degree program accreditation, ranking, and dedication of grants to the universities for IR establishment.&nbsp;</span></p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 CREW – Colleagues of Researchers, Educators and Writers ICT facilities used in managing electronic records by the public healthcare institutions in Kano metropolis 2025-02-05T13:44:58+00:00 Fadila Ahmad Idris Saleh Abdullahi Adam <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study investigated the ICT facilities used in managing electronic records by the public healthcare institutions in Kano metropolis. Three research objectives were formulated and answered accordingly. The qualitative research method was adopted for the study using narrative based design. Structured interview with open ended questions was used as instrument for data collection. The population of the study constituted eighty-four (84) participants from nineteen (19) PHIs in Kano metropolis out of which fifteen (15) participants from ten (10) PHIs were purposively sampled. The data was collected by administrating interview and analyzed using thematic analysis with open coding. The findings of the study revealed computer, printer, spreadsheets, word processors and the Internet as the types of ICT facilities used in managing e-records in PHIs in the Kano Metropolis.The challenges facing the management of ERs were lack of skilled manpower, inadequate ICT facilities, and the measures to overcome the challenges were found to be the provision of adequate funds, ICTs among others. The study concluded that PHIs were managing their ERs with few lapses and recommended that PHIs in Kano Metropolis should provide adequate, effective, and efficient modern ICT facilities for effective management of e-records. This would promote better service delivery, enhance productivity and enable access within the healthcare institutions. The physical infrastructures and the computer systems should be tightly protected from viral attacks on records.</span></p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 CREW – Colleagues of Researchers, Educators and Writers Information literacy, ICT skills and the use of electronic resources by University Librarians in South-East University Libraries in Nigeria 2025-02-05T13:49:07+00:00 Unwana I. Udoh <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study investigated information literacy, ICT skills and the use of electronic resources by University Librarians in South-East University Libraries in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. The population of the study consists of 6 university librarians from six university libraries in Souh-East, Nigeria; the population tallies with the specifics of the topic. A total of 6 questionnaires were distributed, all were retrieved. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics mean and percentage mean score of 2.5 and above and percentage score of 50% were considered. The results show the various electronic resources used by university librarians in SouthEast University libraries in Nigeria as follows: Electronic books (e-book), Online Databases, Adobe Acrobat documents, WebPages and Electronic Journal. The study also affirmed the following as information literacy skills possessed by the university librarians in South-East University libraries in Nigeria in the following order: Ability to find, ability to evaluate, ability to organize, ability to use and ability to communicate. The general result therefore proves that the extent to which university librarians apply information literacy skills in the utilization of electronic resources in South-East University libraries was high. The study recommended that all university librarians should possess certain information literacy skills for effective delivery of their services, and university management should acquire basic electronic resources for university librarians' usage.&nbsp;</span></p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 CREW – Colleagues of Researchers, Educators and Writers The place of book publishing in national development in Nigeria 2025-02-05T14:03:04+00:00 Linda Ijeoma Uwandu Chioma Okere <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Publishing plays a vital role in the development of any nation. Publishing industries exist in every country to meet the information needs of its citizens for the overall advancement of the country. To ensure meaningful development, publishers serve as watchdogs of the society. The paper examines the place of book publishing in national development in Nigeria. It discussed the concept of publishing and national development. Emphasis was also laid on the contributions of publishing to national development in Nigeria. The study also identified the factors affecting contribution of publishing to national development which include inadequate funds, noncompliance to legal deposit law, piracy, poor reading culture, dearth of basic ICT facilities, inadequate qualified manpower, negative attitude of investors and banks, dearth of expertise and high cost of production. Conclusion was drawn as well as suggestions that could help to ensure effective contribution of publishing to national development in Nigeria. It is hoped that from this study, publishers and other stakeholders in the publishing industry will rise up to the task of ensuring the production of quality information resources to facilitate literacy which invariably will enhance national development.</span></p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 CREW – Colleagues of Researchers, Educators and Writers Female librarians' career progression and job performance in academic libraries in Benue State, Nigeria 2025-02-05T14:06:55+00:00 Comfort MemberTyopev Godwin M. Nna-Etuk Tabitha Msurshima Agbidye <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study investigates female librarians' career progression and job performance in academic libraries in Benue State, Nigeria. Two objectives with corresponding research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study was 111 female librarians from academic libraries in Benue State. A sample size of 96 was used for the study, using purposive sampling technique. The instrument titled: “Female Librarians' Career Progression and Job Performance Questionnaire (FLCPJPQ)” was used to collect data for the study. The instrument was validated by experts from Library and Information Science and Psychological Foundations of Education, all in University of Uyo. Also, 20 female librarians were used to test the reliability of the instrument from Nasarawa State University library, Keffi. The scores obtained using Cronbach alpha statistics yields the coefficient of 0.80. The instrument was administered with the help of two research assistants. Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation statistics to answer research questions. While Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The results revealed that educational qualification and professional development are requirements for career progression of female librarians and has significant influence on their job performance in academic libraries in Benue State. The study recommended among others that management of academic libraries should put in strategies for training of female librarians and sponsorship for attendance of conferences and workshops to update their knowledge and skills relevant for library operations and best practice to enhance their job performance.</span></p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 CREW – Colleagues of Researchers, Educators and Writers Staff training as a correlate of library development in public universities in Imo State, Nigeria 2025-02-05T14:10:40+00:00 Ogechi Nkechinyere Okorie <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study examined staff training as a correlate of library development in public universities in Imo State, Nigeria. It was guided by three research questions and three hypotheses. Correlation design was adopted for the study. The entire population of 161 library staff was also adopted as sample for the study. A researcher rating scale was used as instrument for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested using t-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance. Findings show among others that: there is a significant high positive relationship between orientation and library development; there is a significant moderate positive relationship between job rotation and library development and, there is a significant moderate positive relationship between technical skill training and library development. The researcher therefore recommended that the management should introduce varieties of training programmes and encourage staff to participate in them to maintain more positive library development.</span></p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 CREW – Colleagues of Researchers, Educators and Writers Adoption of contemporary technology for effective service delivery by librarians in university libraries in Edo and Delta States of Nigeria 2025-02-05T14:15:22+00:00 Patience Ogbugbu Asifor Esoswo Francisca Ogbomo <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study investigated the adoption of contemporary technologies and their impact on service delivery effectiveness in university libraries in Edo and Delta States, Nigeria. A simple random sampling procedure was used to select a total of 191 respondents that was used for the study. Data for the study were analysed using mean score of a 4-point Likert type scale and Pearsons Correlation analysis. Findings revealed that while the adoption of technologies had enhanced access to resources, streamlined cataloguing, and improved user experience, significant challenges such as funding limitations, skill gaps, and resistance to change persisted. The Pearson Correlation coefficients indicated a positive and significant relationship between technology adoption and service effectiveness, with coefficients of 0.535 for Edo State and 0.706 for Delta State, both significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively. The study concluded that increased investment in technological infrastructure and professional training was essential to overcome existing barriers and maximize the benefits of contemporary technologies in university libraries. These measures were crucial for enhancing service delivery and supporting academic progress in the region.&nbsp;</span></p> 2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 CREW – Colleagues of Researchers, Educators and Writers