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Information literacy, ICT skills and the use of electronic resources by University Librarians in South-East University Libraries in Nigeria
The study investigated information literacy, ICT skills and the use of electronic resources by University Librarians in South-East University Libraries in Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. The population of the study consists of 6 university librarians from six university libraries in Souh-East, Nigeria; the population tallies with the specifics of the topic. A total of 6 questionnaires were distributed, all were retrieved. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics mean and percentage mean score of 2.5 and above and percentage score of 50% were considered. The results show the various electronic resources used by university librarians in SouthEast University libraries in Nigeria as follows: Electronic books (e-book), Online Databases, Adobe Acrobat documents, WebPages and Electronic Journal. The study also affirmed the following as information literacy skills possessed by the university librarians in South-East University libraries in Nigeria in the following order: Ability to find, ability to evaluate, ability to organize, ability to use and ability to communicate. The general result therefore proves that the extent to which university librarians apply information literacy skills in the utilization of electronic resources in South-East University libraries was high. The study recommended that all university librarians should possess certain information literacy skills for effective delivery of their services, and university management should acquire basic electronic resources for university librarians' usage.