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ICT facilities used in managing electronic records by the public healthcare institutions in Kano metropolis
The study investigated the ICT facilities used in managing electronic records by the public healthcare institutions in Kano metropolis. Three research objectives were formulated and answered accordingly. The qualitative research method was adopted for the study using narrative based design. Structured interview with open ended questions was used as instrument for data collection. The population of the study constituted eighty-four (84) participants from nineteen (19) PHIs in Kano metropolis out of which fifteen (15) participants from ten (10) PHIs were purposively sampled. The data was collected by administrating interview and analyzed using thematic analysis with open coding. The findings of the study revealed computer, printer, spreadsheets, word processors and the Internet as the types of ICT facilities used in managing e-records in PHIs in the Kano Metropolis.The challenges facing the management of ERs were lack of skilled manpower, inadequate ICT facilities, and the measures to overcome the challenges were found to be the provision of adequate funds, ICTs among others. The study concluded that PHIs were managing their ERs with few lapses and recommended that PHIs in Kano Metropolis should provide adequate, effective, and efficient modern ICT facilities for effective management of e-records. This would promote better service delivery, enhance productivity and enable access within the healthcare institutions. The physical infrastructures and the computer systems should be tightly protected from viral attacks on records.