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A Conceptual Overview of Social Media and Library st Collaboration in The 21st Century
In the field of librarianship, social media is rapidly becoming the instrument of choice for communication between libraries. In this 21st century, effective collaboration is no longer an option for libraries but certainly a necessity as the world around libraries is changing rapidly. This paper looks at the conceptual overview of social media and library collaboration in the 21st century. The paper briefly discusses the problem statement of subject matter with the view of determining the problems associated with social media and library collaboration in the 21st century. It examines the concept of social media and its definitions, what library collaboration is all about. It aims at establishing the relationship between social media and library services; determine the use of st social media in library collaboration in the 21st Century and identify the challenges of using social media in library collaboration. The paper concludes that social media is helpful in many ways to libraries, as it has improved access to information, enhanced the capacity to classify and utilise information, promoted freedom to access information and enhanced information sharing amongst libraries, library users and information seekers. It has also revolutionized socialization and knowledge sharing in library collaboration and services.