Field studies were conducted at the research farm of the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, south-eastern Nigeria in 2008 and 2009 cropping seasons, to determine the effect of herbicides and the economic implications of chemical weed control in sweetpotato using herbicides. The experiment was set up as a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replicates. Sweetpotato TIS 87/0087 was planted at a spacing of 0.3m x 1m on the crest of well prepared ridges. The treatment includes, Fluazifopbutyl at rates of 1.0kg ai/ha, 1.5kg ai/ha and 2.0kg ai/ha (recommended rate). Atrazine/Metolachlor 1.5kg ai/ha(tank mixed), mixture of Atrazine/Metolachlor + Fluazifopbutyl at rate 1.0kg ai/ha + 1.75kg ai/ha, Atrazine/Metolachlor 2.5 kg ai/ha, Atrazine/Metolachlor 3.5 kg ai/ha, Manual weeding and unweeded plots. Data on weed types and weed density were collected using two 1m x 1m quadrat. Yields were collected by 50kg weighing balance. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance using the GLM procedure of SAS and significant differences among means were tested using FLSD at 5% level of probability. The result obtained over the two years showed that application of Atrazine/Metolachlor at rate 1.5kg ai/ha controlled broad leave weeds, sedges and grasses effectively and had lowest weed density when compared with the other herbicides application and hand weeding. It also gave the highest yield and monetary gain when compares with manual weeding. This technique will be of utmost benefit to the farmers as it gave excellent weed control.
Keywords: Sweetpotatoes, Weed, Herbicides Treatments, Economics
Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR) Vol. 11, No. 1, 2011