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Assessment Of The Frequency Of Ict Tools Usage By Agricultural Extension Agents In Imo State, Nigeria
extension agents. Data analysis was by the use of frequency, percentages, mean and t-test. Findings of the study revealed that only mobile phone and computer were frequently used by respondents. The overall mean of 0.89 suggests that ICT tools were not frequently used for extension services and this has grave implications for agricultural development. Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made: there should be adequate provision of computers for all the extension agents. Adequate provision should be made for the maintenance of the ICT facilities and systems. That provision should be made in providing training programme for the extension agents in order to update their knowledge on the latest and new information technology. Government to establish policy programme as means of bridging our digital divide, creating digital opportunity for various users of
extension services in the country. ICT enabled extension service must be able to define it’s key stakeholders and audience and jointly determine their needs.