This study was designed to isolate the determinants of aggregate demand for meat and analyze the demand elasticities of meat in Imo State. Time series data were collected with structured questionnaire along side personal observations from 120 stratified randomly selected households for the period 2000-2003. Data were collected on per capita meat demand , retail price of meat, retail price of dried fish, retail price of iced fish and per capital income, and analyzed using the ordinary least squares (OLS) regression technique. Results show that aggregate demand for meat in Imo State is generally price inelastic. Beef and poultry were found to be normal goods. Dried fish was also found to be close substitute to beef. If the demand for poultry in the State can be projected and appropriate programmes designed to boost local production of poultry, it is expected that in a short while, Imo State would be able to produce adequate quantities of this source of animal protein at affordable prices thereby improving the level of protein intake by the populace.
Key words: Aggregate Demand, Meat
Journal Of Agriculture And Social Research Vol. 5 (1) 2005: 62-66