This study was undertaken to find out the attitudes of extension workers to the training and visit (T&V) extension system as a complimentary step to specify if this extension approach is on course in Nigeria. Results obtained indicate that about 10.8, 65.8 and 23.3% of the extension personnel in Benue and Plateau states hold poor, moderately favourable and high favourable attitudes to T&V system respectively. Although the mean attitude scores for the various levels of extension staff were not found to be significantly different at 5 percent level of probability, the mean score for the project headquarters staff (106.25) was highest while that of the zonal extension officers (79.0) was lowest. In order to make the attitudes of extension workers more affirmative, the paper recommended, inter alia, staff motivation, minimizing political and administrative interference in staff work and a reasonable reduction in the work load of extension staff.
Key words: attitude, extension personnel, training and visit
Journal of Agriculture and Social Research Vol.4(1) 2004: 1-12